Love, Joy, Peace...
Sr. Pastor - J. Stewart Young
Stewart became the Senior Pastor at LPBC in December of 2019. He was born in Montgomery, AL and spent his childhood in various parts of Alabama and Georgia. Although raised in a minister’s home, Stewart did not come to a personal relationship with Christ until the age of 19. Almost from the beginning he felt a call to ministry. Stewart says “Ministry is my heart. Pastoring is not something I do, it’s who I am. I love to communicate the gospel and see lives changed through the power of Christ. My goal is to help others encounter the risen Christ in all His fullness.” His life verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:24 “Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass”. Stewart and his wife, Carol, are committed to Jesus Christ and excited to lead LPBC as we seek God’s vision for His church. Come be a part of this exciting time at LPBC!
Worship Leader - Mitch Emmons
Mitch became Lake Pointe's Interim Worship Leader in June 2024 after previously serving with the Praise Team for three years as an instrumentalist and singer. Mitch retired after nearly 40-years as a newspaper journalist and corporate communicator. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Commercial Music from the University of North Alabama and a master’s degree in Communication from Auburn University. “I have been a musician as long as I have been anything,” he says. He has always been active in music, working in the Muscle Shoals, Alabama recording and songwriting industry as well as performing. Many in the Lake Martin area may know Mitch from his solo performances at local live music venues. Mitch believes his calling to serve God includes many things, but music is the strongest. He and his wife, Suz, love serving the Lord and the LPBC family.
Lake Pointe Baptist Church
8352 AL HWY 50
Dadeville AL 36853
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